You can make widgets dynamically by customizing their parameters in your code. This way you don't have to visit our site every time you need to make, edit or remove a counter.
Below you'll find examples and a full description of customizable options. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact us.
Note: Dynamic widgets will contain a link to TickCounter. If you wish to remove it, please drop us a line.
<a data-type="countdown" data-name="Sale ends in:" data-bg_color="#97B8FF" data-name_color="#008922" data-border_color="#888888" data-dt="2026-01-01 12:30:55" data-timezone="America/Chicago" style="display: block; width: 100%; position: relative; padding-bottom: 25%" class="tickcounter" href="//" >Countdown</a> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, pjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; pjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, pjs); }(document, "script", "tickcounter-sdk"));</script>Try it out at CodePen
All fields are optional as each of them has a default value.
Name | Example value | Default value | Notes |
data-type | ticker | countdown |
Widget type. Choices:
data-name | Hello widget! | My Countdown | Name of your widget. Up to 100 characters. |
data-name_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #3B5998 | Widget name color. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-bg_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #FFFFFF |
Widget background color. Use either HEX or RGBA values. For transparent background use: rgba(0,0,0,0) |
data-border_width | 0 | 1 | Widget border width in pixels. Use 0 to remove border completely. |
data-border_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #E6E6E6 | Widget border color. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-show_name | false | true | Specifies whether to display the name of the widget. |
data-layout | horizontal | vertical | Widget layout: vertical or horizontal. |
data-widget_horizontal_padding | 200px | 0% | Total horizontal padding of the widget. |
Name | Example value | Default value | Notes |
data-dt | 2050-01-01 12:30:15 | (next New Year's Eve) | Target date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
data-timezone | America/New_York | UTC |
Timezone for provided date. Any of IANA codes (column TZ*) |
data-digits_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #000000 | Color of the time units in timer. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-last_unit_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #FF0000 | Color of the last time unit in timer. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-show_units | false | true | Specifies whether to display unit names in widget. |
data-on_finish | keep_counting | stop_counting |
data-units | hms | dhms |
Time units to display (joined in one word without spaces). Choices:
data-language | pt_BR | en |
Language in which units are displayed. Choices:
data-font | Arial | Helvetica |
Font style of the widget. Choices:
Name | Example value | Default value | Notes |
data-dt | 2000-01-01 12:30:15 | (last New Year's Eve) | Target date and time. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
data-timezone | America/New_York | UTC |
Timezone for provided date. Any of IANA codes (column TZ*) |
data-digits_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #000000 | Color of the time units in timer. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-last_unit_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #FF0000 | Color of the last time unit in timer. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-show_units | false | true | Specifies whether to display unit names in widget. |
data-units | hms | dhms |
Time units to display (joined in one word without spaces). Choices:
data-language | pt_BR | en |
Language in which units are displayed. Choices:
data-font | Arial | Helvetica |
Font style of the widget. Choices:
Name | Example value | Default value | Notes |
data-timezone | America/New_York | UTC |
Timezone for the clock. Any of IANA codes (column TZ*) |
data-twelve_hour_clock | true | false | Specifies whether to display the time in 12-hour clock format. |
data-show_date | false | true | Specifies whether to display the date string under the clock. |
data-time_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #000000 | Color of the time string. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-date_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #505050 | Color of the date string. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-font | Arial | Helvetica |
Font style of the widget. Choices:
Name | Example value | Default value | Notes |
data-equation | (0.8 * step) / 2 | step + 1000 | Formula to be calculated. step variable is the number of the current step. It starts with 0, then it's 1, 2, 3 and so on. |
data-step_delay | 5 | 1 | Time between steps (in seconds). Defaults to one second. |
data-dt | 2000-01-01 12:30:15 | (now) | Start date for the ticker. Format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
data-timezone | America/New_York | UTC |
Timezone for provided date. Any of IANA codes (column TZ*) |
data-decimal_places | 4 | 2 |
Number of decimal places to show in a result. Hint: Set it to an empty string to have it auto-calculated (not recommended due to "jumping digits"). |
data-unit_name | USD, kg, pcs | (empty) | Unit name displayed right after the calculated value. |
data-thousand_separator | "," (comma) " " (space) | (empty) | Character to be used as a thousands separator. |
data-decimal_separator | "," (comma) "." (dot) | "." (dot) | Character to be used as a decimal separator. |
data-value_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #000000 | Color of the output value. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-fraction_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #FF0000 | Color of the fraction part in output value. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-unit_name_color | rgba(1, 255, 3, 1) | #000000 | Color of the unit name. Use either HEX or RGBA values. |
data-font | Arial | Helvetica |
Font style of the widget. Choices:
Tip: Ticker does not work? No value or error is displayed? Most likely your equation field contains an error.
By default, widget width is responsive. You can set it to a static value by changing:
<a class="tickcounter" style="display: block; width: 100%; position: relative; padding-bottom: 25%" ... >
<a class="tickcounter" style="display: block; width: 600px; height: 150px;" ... >